
Fortnite Streaming Duo

Streaming Fortnite with my cousin tonight (Wednesday) at 6:00 PM EDT. Come stop by and chat a while. We’d love to have you. Thanks for the support!

About the Author, Videos

Streaming Tonight

Pretty self-explanatory. Stream tonight with my brother and cousin at 6 PM EDT. We think we figured out the chat problem. Please look on twitch to see what time applies to your time zone. Hope to see you there.

About the Author, Story Time

Video Game Storytime: My Cousin’s Title

I’d use the previous word epithet, but I recently found the word is considered insulting now compared to the past. So, I’ll be using the word title. For those who don’t know what I’m talking about, it’s the stuff phrase after a name. Think Vlad the Impaler. In my phone, I give this to all my contacts (in good humor). My cousin earned his name while playing a round of Golden Eye. This is a James Bond game in the shooter category. On this round of play, we were at a map called Train. Its layout included a subway-like train cars on top of an incline overlooking various construction work structures. Three of us were playing: my brother, my cousin, and I. Sneaking around, I watched as my brother and cousin squared off.

Shots back and forth until my brother pulls a rocket launcher. My cousin stood in the doorway of the train car as I start to her him panic. I watched as a missile slowly inched across the screen. All the while my cousin simply saying no over and over… while not moving. I swear I could’ve made a sandwich by the time it hit. But nope… my cousin decided to watch it all the way until it hit him square in the face. My brother and I crack up laughing, followed closely by our cousin. Our controllers were put aside as we were rolling on the ground laughing. We asked him in between spurts why didn’t he take cover… He retorted with “I panicked” and “Why didn’t I take cover?!”. When we finally recovered, I discovered his title. From now on… he is known as the RPG Watcher… a title he relishes and smiles when I mention it.